Associate Category: A1


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Dr. Sandy Muspratt

Research Fellow at the Griffith Institute for Educational Research at Griffith University, Brisbane

Dr. Sandy Muspratt

Research Fellow at the Griffith Institute for Educational Research at Griffith University, Brisbane

Dr Muspratt holds an honorary Research Fellow at the Griffith Institute for Educational Research at Griffith University, Brisbane, but he has worked as an independent research consultant for 10 years. He has worked on a range of commissioned research and evaluation projects in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, and Solomon Islands. He has worked on projects commissioned by a range of organisations including literacy education, digital technologies inside and outside the classroom, special education, social connectedness, disciplinarity, policy implementation in schools, teacher education and teachers’ professional development, and assessment.

Dr Muspratt has co-edited two books; he has published five book chapters and thirteen articles in international peer-reviewed journals; and he has made 15 presentations at national and international conferences. He is also the author or co-author of 23 commissioned reports.

Dr Muspratt has taught research methods to education research students, and delivered workshops and seminars to academics, early career researchers, and post-graduate students on various aspect of educational research. Topics included survey design and analysis of survey data, multilevel modelling and analysis of multivariate data, visualisation of quantitative data, and using the R statistical environment.

Dr Muspratt can use a range of software. He is an advocate for open source software, and in particular, the R software package and associated software; but he has also used and conducted workshops on the use of proprietary software such as SPSS, MLwiN, and Mplus.