Each year, the Zairi International Awards for Excellence in Higher Education recognizes and celebrates Higher Education Institutions that have pioneered in specific areas related to digital transformation, community engagement, research, internationalization, equity and access, etc.
The selected winners are among higher education institutions that demonstrated success stories and created tangible impact within their own context and that can serve as best practice and model to others.
⁍ Institutions of higher education from across the globe may apply for the award. The application should be filled by one of the senior administrators of the institution and must be endorsed by the head of the institution (i.e., Rector, Chancellor, President or equivalent). The endorsement should be in the form of a letter stamped and signed accompanying the application.
⁍ All applications along annexes should be submitted in English Language using the Award Application Form which must be completely filled and submitted via email at in*******@cl*****.com. by the stipulated deadline. A listing of all annexes accompanying the application as evidences must be included within the same application form.
⁍ If the annexes are submitted as links to virtual spaces, the link must be checked prior to submission.
⁍ The Award Application Form is to be filled in accordance to the criteria of each of the six award categories.
⁍ Whilst the quality of written English is not a criterion for assessing applications, it is strongly recommended that applicants pay particular attention to ensuring that their applications can be properly understood in English.
⁍ The applications itself should not exceed five pages in length excluding annexes. It shall be submitted in MS-Word format in a single-spaced, 12-point Arial style. All headers should be bold and all in capital letters and use 14-point Arial style.
⁍ HEIs may not apply for two awards in the same cycle.
⁍ Winners of the award may not apply for the same category in the next consecutive cycle.
⁍ Applications that do not adhere to the submission guidelines and timelines or which are incomplete will not be considered or forwarded for evaluation by the Assessment Committee. Notification of ineligible applications will be given by the secretariat of the Award.
⁍ Applications are evaluated through a two-stage process based on the selection criteria of each award. Nominees for each for each category may be invited as deemed appropriate by the Jury for a short presentation not exceeding 20 minutes.
⁍ The shortlisted finalists for each award will be announced on the 30th of January, 2025.
⁍ The recipients of the award will be unveiled during an award ceremony gala dinner, details of which will be announced soon.
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