Leadership in higher education is increasingly recognized as a critical factor in the success and sustainability of academic institutions. Within an ecosystem marked by complexity and dynamic influences, agile leadership has become essential. The sector faces a range of challenges, including high levels of accountability, complex governance structures, intense competition, and the significant impact of political and economic factors on funding. Navigating these complexities requires leaders who are adaptable, responsive, and capable of steering their institutions toward long-term success in a rapidly changing environment.

The post-COVID era has further amplified the need for leaders who can quickly adapt to change and manage heightened pressures, competitiveness, and competing priorities. Agile leadership involves being flexible and responsive, enabling institutions to navigate rapid technological advancements, evolving regulatory requirements, and the dynamic needs of society.

Moreover, effective leadership in this context also means embracing participatory and shared governance models. These approaches promote transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration, ensuring that diverse voices within the institution are heard and considered in decision-making processes. By fostering a culture of shared governance, leaders can better align the institution’s strategic objectives with the needs and expectations of its community, thereby enhancing its ability to innovate and thrive in a constantly changing landscape.

John Kotter’s framework on leadership highlights the necessity for higher education leaders to establish a clear vision, align their teams towards common goals, and inspire action. These functions are particularly crucial in an academic setting where change is constant, whether in the form of new educational technologies, shifts in student demographics, or evolving societal expectations. Leaders must not only adapt to these changes but also proactively guide their institutions through them, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives and fostering an environment conducive to innovation and continuous improvement.

Furthermore, leadership in higher education is deeply intertwined with good governance. Effective leaders are responsible for maintaining transparency, ensuring fair decision-making processes, and upholding the principles of academic integrity and excellence. They must engage in strategic planning that considers both opportunities and risks, efficiently manage resources, and stay informed about global trends impacting the education sector. This holistic approach to leadership is essential for institutions aiming to achieve a ‘world-class’ status and sustain their growth and relevance in a globalized educational landscape. These imperatives underscore the importance of leadership development programs, which can equip current and aspiring leaders with the skills and insights needed to navigate the complexities of higher education today.



Closely tied up to leadership development is governance. In general, governance is defined as a system through which decisions are made and the performance of institutions is guided and supervised so as to achieve the required objectives with the purpose of protecting different stakeholders via creating:

  1. Accountability
  2. Credibility
  3. Transparency
  4. Responsiveness
  5. Effectiveness and efficiency
  6. Consensus orientation
  7. Participatory and inclusiveness
  8. Integrity

Good governance aims at avoiding ‘mismanagement’ within institutions. The arrangements emphasize the need for clear delineation of responsibilities within institutions. Governance in higher education refers to the means by which higher educational institutions are formally organized and operated this includes looking closely at the role of their governing bodies and that of their executive management. In other words, and as defined by OECD in 2008 Governance encompasses the structures, relationships and processes through which, at both, national and institutional levels, policies for tertiary education are developed, implemented and reviewed. Governance comprises a complex web including the legislative framework, the characteristics of the institutions and how they relate to the whole system, how money is allocated to institutions and how they are accountable for the way it is spent, as well as less formal structures and relationships which steer and influence behavior. The governance arrangements of higher education institutions are becoming more complex since institutions themselves have become increasingly interdependent with external forces and accountable to external organizations governmental and market based. The emergence of new dynamics such as open and collaborative educational systems, globalization and privatization of higher education poses additional complexity on creating effective governance systems. In the current political and financial environment, the establishment of effective governance in higher education institutions has become a critical issue which captured much attention over the last decade. In addition, most national accreditation bodies within the region have been emphasising the importance of governance by crafting clear requirements and guidelines by which HEIs must comply. Every institution of higher education is expected to periodically assess the effectiveness of its governance system.

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